Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas toy shopping discounts...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Are we friends on fa

Are we friends on facebook?
Just 7 days for Christmas! Cute timer here...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Kids Want for Christmas 2010...

Kids come in all shapes sizes and mindsets. So it's impossible to write one article that tells you what toys kids want for Christmas this year. But, since I have been tracking the most wished 'wishlists' on Amazon I can venture to share with you 5 great toys that you will not go wrong with. Especially if you are gifting children other than your own (and operating on a approx 30 dollar budget).

Just a sidenote, if you are gifting your own kids and you are not sure you know what they want, ask them. Communicate. Merry Christmas!

Coming back to three great games kids want for Christmas in 2010, here are my selections...

First is the Hedbanz game. It's a quick-question game of 'What Am I?' Fast, easy and fun for the whole family, this gem really develops the deductive reasoning skills of 6 year olds and up. Great for sleepovers and school parties also. The only negative aspect is that there are only 72 cards to pick from making the choices finite.

The Loopz game, for 1 to 4 players, is the next great idea. Loopz includes 7 different games that can be played solo or as a head-to-head competition. It presents a mixture of skill and action as the "loops" flash with ever-quickening patterns of light and music which players must mimic. The idea is to stay alert... because if you miss three times you're out!

The Mindflex game from Mattel moves one level higher in mind development. It combines advanced technology with the power of thought as players compete in the ultimate mental marathon through various obstacles that can be repositioned into many different configurations. This game competed for the 10th Annual Toy of the Year (TOTY) Awards and has been widely acclaimed for all kids including autistics.

The Scientific Explorer's Mind Blowing Science Kit for Young Scientists is exactly what the name suggests it is. Tons of positive reviews about this kit confirm that it is great for involving the family with experiments that intrigue all ages. The winner of Parents' Choice Approved Award and Dr.Toy 'One of the 10 Best Educational Products Award', this kit contains a variety of experiments and instruction guide with scientific explanation. There heaps of learning and fun here.

Finally, the Multi Voice Changer by Toysmith is the season's big hit! It helps you change your voice with 10 different voice modifiers and kids just can't stop playing with it. Get the most fun voice effects with a huge range of side-lever combinations!

So now that you know what kids want for Christmas, let's get to work!

Check out this site on what kids want for Christmas and get it for them before shipping delays start. Drop by at

Monday, November 1, 2010

Get paid to blog

This is what I do and recommend for you too. Visit and read through it. Come back and say thanks!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guru Blueprint - Best Offer

Friday, March 19, 2010

4 things to check about outsourced accounting services

4 things to check about your outsourced bookkeeping and accounting services provider


India is today a unified knowledge and technology hub. It has become a lure to big game hunters in the international business process outsourcing (BPO) industry.

Your foray into an outsourcing relationship among Indian firms can be secure and safe from the major risks that usually debilitate a company through cautionary planning, advance screening, fieldwork and with these following tips to target your trophy of a BPO service partner:

Target the small-to-medium-sized BPO providers that have long-term stability and expertise in the regional industry.

Large BPO service providers cater to a lot of corporate clients; you would want a service provider that can concentrate on your business interests. Large BPO service providers also have high rates of middle-management attrition and employee turnovers which can lead to delays and security risks.

Small-to- medium-sized BPO service providers are generally well-managed and it is advantageous regarding cost. Do not go after just any small BPO firm, particularly those new, "young" firms.

Seek out small-to- medium-sized BPO firms, firms which are selective with their clientele as you would be; firms with reputation and "age" in the industry, region wise. Such providers possess experienced human resources management and recruiting processes which can optimize employee selection from the local labor pool to secure the success of your operations.

A good catch is a medium-sized BPO service provider which has professional indemnity insurance in areas such as Errors and Omissions and CGL at levels comparable to large outsourcing companies catering to global corporations.

Target the BPO Service Providers with flexible and scalable services.

Achieve quality first, on a small scale, before scaling up and emphasizing quantity.

Seek out service providers that offer to perform pilot projects to determine market feasibility and the possible variables that can affect the outsourced operations. Using small-scale pilot projects to develop quality, your risk is significantly limited and simultaneously provides the opportunity to test your company's and the BPO provider's compatibility and capability.

The ideal BPO service provider should also be flexible to service any of your company's business requirements that can vary due to a dynamic consumer environment.

Target the BPO providers with industry-specific architectures and platforms.

What you're looking for are BPO service companies that invested in solid infrastructure with developed core competencies in process engineering and programming of professional management systems that allow you to track your operations, maintain constant communication and monitor employees' progress.

Also, open software architectures and platforms do not require the purchase and integration of conventional IT components such as business process workflows, imaging and other proprietary enterprise technologies.

This is advantageous for your company seeking greater returns from IT investments due to reduced cost, reduced risk and reduced time to market your product or service.

Target the BPO providers that employ management and adopt business culture, standards, practices and ideals of your country.

There are BPO service providers that have qualified managers on-site to provide integrated training and implement your workplace standards and client-oriented programs.

These managers are usually long-term residents in the region and this earns them the experience and knowledge with dealing with the local work practices and expectations, thus bridging over any cultural gaps that hinder can the progress of your operations.

It is a jungle out there in the Asia-Pacific with young BPOs rearing with their attractive business packages and promises to challenge the pack leaders who are protective of their business territory.

Guided by the 4 aforementioned qualities of a top BPO service provider, you won't fall prey to the runt of the business outsourcing litter but land your company the prize of the pack. Take a look at Hired Brains for instance.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Get accounts / bookkeeping outsourced – benefits beyond saving money

Get accounts / bookkeeping outsourced – benefits beyond saving money

Outsourced accounting and outsourced bookkeeping has become a vast practice for small and medium sized enterprises. This is particularly beneficial for businesses in Europe and America to outsource accounting and bookkeeping to offshore locations. By this way they can save accounting costs. Generally businesses who hire virtual accountants save their accounting costs up to 50%. However it would be unjust to view outsourced accounting with a view of cost reduction only. There are also many other benefits other than cost reduction, which may become useful reasons to outsource accounting department.

Here we shall analyse benefits of accounting outsourcing other than cost reductions.

1. Focus on core activities
This is probably most talked about, but most important reason of why you should outsource accounting. It is much publicized but it should not be underestimated. You just imagine that all your time is focused on developing your business, and you don't need to bother about things you don't know, or for whom you don't have time. This gives you more mental relaxation, so you are in a better position to innovate in your core activities and make better business decisions.

2. Reduced administrative burdens (employee issues)
By accounting outsourcing you are now no in worries of employee related issues. This is another great benefit. You don't have to interview potential employees to find a suitable one, you don't need to make a succession plan, you don't need to devise retention plans, you don't have to continuously invest in employees work descriptions, and you are not worried about filing various forms to government authorities relating to employees, just because your outsourced service providers are firms/companies which are providing your services and the persons who are providing your services are THEIR employees, not YOURS.

3. Expert services
You believe it or not, outsourced bookkeepers give you much expert and professional service that your in-house bookkeepers. the main reason for this is, your in-house bookkeepers are at a secure position, they don't face any direct competition, however outsourced bookkeeping firm is all times facing fierce competition, so they have to continuously maintain their competitive edge to stay in business.

4. Less paper work
This doesn't only indicate towards cost saving, but also you are fulfilling your corporate social responsibility by saving paper. Outsourcing accounting means more work will be computerised, so you are contributing in saving paper. This is in the benefit of overall economy. Outsourced bookkeeping reduces paper work because they don't report you each time in printed format, rather they always communicate, report and do work online.

5. Better use of office space
Is this not a good idea? By outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping your existing accounts department would, of course, be not needed, so you can use these rooms for more revenue generation. you may either enhance your production capacity or provide an additional room for customer services. Or at least, you can save rent costs.

6. More employee motivation
Your production, customer services and sales staff would be more motivated and productive if you outsource your accounting department. This is because there won't be any disputes between accounts department and other departments. Also All other employees would be more satisfied that their salaries, overtimes and accounts are maintained by more professional firms rather than few in-house bookkeepers, so there will be increased transparency, leading to employee motivation.

7. Less year end issues
Your outsourced bookkeeper wont delay any data entry or journal transactions till year end. They complete the work on day-to-day basis. So There won't be any need for over-times at year-end, nor there will be any issues or pending work. This would make your year-end filing and annual audits more convenient and smooth.

If you are looking at having accounts / bookkeeping outsourced visit the Hire Hired Brains page on


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Looking for a good accounting outsourcer

Looking for a good accounting outsourcer

Rapidly increasing in popularity amongst SMEs and corporates, Outsourced Accounting is all the rage, but there are still a lot of commonly held misconceptions about it and how it works… In theory, Outsourced Accounting can work with any kind of a business from smallest start-ups, to established SMEs through to some of the biggest international organisations.

However, people often misunderstand what it is and how it works, and think that it won’t work for them. Here are some of the objections that we hear to a company outsourcing its accounting operations, and why they are wrong!

We’re going to recruit our own in-house accounting team

Really? Good accounting people can earn large salaries and even larger bonuses, simply because accounting is very skilful, hard work and not many people have the aptitude for it. Top accounting people naturally gravitate towards the top jobs on offer from the big corporates where they can earn six and even seven figure sums. However, working at that level is very stressful and every year some of those top people step away from the ‘front line’ for family or ‘work life balance’ reasons. A good outsourcer will recruit from this pool of people and so offer you a top notch accounting person with a proven track record that you can have working for you from as little as a day at a time. Trying to recruit these kind of people directly is nigh on impossible, and the alternative is to employ a person with less experience who is still likely to cost you a hefty salary plus 25% on top for recruitment fees – not to mention that six months down the line you might find that even after all your training and efforts, they are not actually performing that well, and you have made an expensive mistake.

I already have my own accounting team

It’s common for an SME to have a couple of accounting people who are expected to do all the accounting related work. This can be a moderately successful model, if you have found good people to work for you, but typically don’t assume outsourcing won’t work for you. Adding some ‘virtual’ talent can help transform your accounting and bookkeeping.

I want to build my brand and not the brand of the Outsourcer.

A good outsourcer will help to build your brand. They will take time and trouble to get to know your company and the products and services that you need promoting. They will also assume your corporate identity, and introduce themselves as being part of the company – they will even have a company email address. The service should fit seamlessly into your company activity, and the prospective client will have no idea that they are not actually sitting in your offices at all.

I don’t want to lose control over the accounting function, and surely this is inevitable with Outsourcing.

Good communication lies at the heart of a good outsourcing service, and when you are in discussions, this should be one of the core issues that you should investigate. Our philosophy is that we would rather over communicate! All our clients are advised at the beginning of the project when the caller will be working and they will receive regular feedbacks by phone, email and spreadsheet to show what progress has been made in a day.

We don’t need someone full-time

One of the main advantages of Outsourced Accounting is its flexibility. You might start off needing as little as one day a week – but then you might want to launch a new project, and suddenly want a lot more resource. This can be arranged with very little notice, and reduced back down again afterwards. This kind of flexibility simply isn’t possible with staff and you certainly don’t get the correct level of skill with a temp.

Drop by at for the ideal solution.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Infertility cure


Infertility cure


Here’s a page you need to look up:

Forget the Fertility Clinic and Fertility Calendar. You now have Lisa Olson’s Proven Chinese Fertility Treatment System “Pregnancy Miracle”.

Get it at a 25% Discount. Plus 5 Free Books & Free Personal Hand-holding from Lisa herself! Here’s everything you get…

The freebies contain very useful stuff on baby name suggestions, understanding the female phases, pregnancy week by week, a guide to relaxation and meal plan recipes.

Lisa herself is a Medical researcher, health consultant, nutritionist and author of the Pregnancy Miracle™ system. She was a beneficiary of the same and has hence put it out for everyone. Read more on it now… click for the infertility cure.


Avoiding money traps to create wealth

Avoiding money traps to create wealth


Denial is a trap that keeps you refusing to admit that your situation wealth-wise requires improvement. Because you do not want to acknowledge that you may be in debt or stuck in a financial rut, you will never be able to move forward. This trap can be avoided by conscious introspection that can be done only by you.


This refers to making excuses about your condition and convincing yourself that there must be a reason why you are not living in wealth. This psychological trap keeps you content with your situation, and I assure you, you cannot create wealth when you are happy with not being wealthy. Avoid this trap by remembering that you are worth being wealthy, and life generally is better when you are actively creating wealth.

Projection of Blame

Another psychological trap is pointing fingers at others or at your surroundings as the reason why you cannot create wealth. Blaming others convinces you that your refusal or supposed lack of opportunities for wealth creation is not your fault. You may be right, but you must get past this and take control of your life in order to avoid this trap.


This psychological trap works by playing with your fears and insecurities. This trap makes you keep away from taking chances for wealth creation wither because you are afraid to succeed or afraid to fail. Avoiding this trap requires you to cultivate confidence because you can never be sure unless you take the chance and begin creating your wealth.


This refers to the mentality of “if the world was a better place” where you seem to wait for things to change before you can take the chance of creating wealth. I have witnessed the damaging effects of this money trap because it gives you a reason to procrastinate. This trap keeps you waiting for something to happen, but you may find yourself forgetting what it was you were waiting for. Avoid this trap by taking every opportunity that presents itself for creating wealth before it passes you by.

Be aware of these psychological hindrances and focus on avoiding money traps like these to create wealth. For a professional course in this discipline, drop in your details here.



Is bookkeeping cost effective when outsourced?

Is bookkeeping cost effective when outsourced?

Do you know how it feels like working whole day long in filling bookkeeping entries and checking and re-checking them for any errors that might have been left due to negligence? It feels like being drudged into slavery, a suicide for the sake of eking out life. Owing to this reason, nowadays most of the bookkeeping professionals have started demanding high wages which definitely hinders with company’s per capita income. No need to get depressed with this instead opt for expert bookkeeping help from outsourcing firms that have huge manpower with exceptionally superb skills to handle bulk work.

Often, people tend to confuse bookkeeping with accounting. This should not be the case however as it may ruin the prestige of your firm. Accounting and bookkeeping are two sides of one coin so having two different faces of same task. Accounting requires calculation, analyzing, manipulation, observation, and taxation of the financial data and figures going in and out of the firm on regular basis. And, bookkeeping involves not only tallying the data formulated but entered into appropriate journals, ledgers, books, and files. Each and every figure must be recorded with an acute accuracy. A slight error may lead to the fall of entire enterprise.

Individually hired bookkeepers are fresh pass outs and naïve in the art of dealing such intense and important financial records. This lands a firm in to a heap of huge loss. It would be better you take bookkeeping help from a bookkeeping outsourcing firm. There are umpteen of such outsourcing firms in the market. You can check online directories and find the one out for your assistance. These firms usually have large manpower which is skilled and trained in their respective fields. They are equipped with latest technology and software to speed up their work proficiency and accuracy.

Do not fret about the security of your financial records and reports as sensitive they are. These firms have certain security and confidentiality bond which implies that for any discrepancy in the data and breach of trust, then a strict legal action can be taken by the firm client. This bond agreement is mutually consented and sealed with signs of both the client firms and the outsourcing firm that avails bookkeeping help.

Once you have assigned your bookkeeping work to the outsourcing firm, they regulate it and disburse it amongst its highly skilled bookkeeping professionals who will be handling your work from then on. This is one of the most essential requirements since not every time a new professional should be trusted with the work. A team of some professional bookkeepers is assigned your company’s work who will keep updating you regards all the modifications, changes, and tasks carried out on the regular basis.

Stop wasting your time in a lookout for highly professional bookkeepers and seek bookkeeping help from outsourcing firms. Besides work efficiency and on time delivery these firms are expert business counselors. They guide you to make amendments in your outdated work system and keep you upgraded with the changing times of technology.


Monday, March 8, 2010

How to think to make money

How to think to make money

My objective of this piece is to teach you how to think to make money through your expanded money consciousness.

If you have read “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by Harv Eker, you would know the invaluable wealth principles he’s articulated so well. If you haven’t, put it on your to-do list for this week. When you look back to this week 5 years hence, you’ll find it was the most significant thing you did.

What Harv says is we all have our in-built financial thermostats. They cut-off at some subconsciously determined level. The book helps you change your financial blueprint but this article only draws your attention to its existence.

Suppose I asked you, “how would you spend one million dollars?” Would your first thought be…

  1. How many zeros is that?
  2. Let me have the money first
  3. Depends… there are so many things… (philosophy)
  4. I would do “xxx” (exactly using the money to the last dollar)

If your responses were anything other than #4, here’s what you can be sure of. You’re not getting the money (!) Sorry, but that is how the cookie crumbles. Stop killing yourself over it :-)

And it doesn’t matter if you are in offline business, online or network marketing. <FACT> 90%+ businesses of any kind crash within 5 years. It’s just that you get to hear about the network marketing and online businesses faster because they reach further and impact more people. Period.

The reason for your not being able to make the money (or crashing the business) is simple. Your subconscious is not programmed to do anything with that money. Your conscious mind just floats around feeling good about the million dollar “jackpot”. This is the reason most lottery winners are back to where they started few years down the road. Have you heard of any millionaire who built his empire thanks to a lottery win?

So how much money you can make is dependent not on what your online business would get you but rather on how big you’ve built your mind.

Is your crucible large enough to hold a few billion dollars, which is but a tiny fraction of the world’s abundant wealth?

Are you saying the right things to yourself? The excuse, “I don’t have the money”, spoken to a network marketing sponsor is self-defeating for life. In saying so, you are programming your brain to ‘not have money’ and be ok with the idea. Poor choice!

Are you getting the picture here? The money is in your mind. And some good b-quadrant friends can get your mental blueprint about wealth better organized for you.

Now that you know the money is in your mental crucible, here’s a game you can play to help you get it from there. It’s fun and will surprise you! Be at it for 60 days and watch your crucible expand! Here’s the game:

Start a fresh notebook. Turn to page 1. Write down any imaginary figure you are comfortable with, to earn in a day. For example, if you are on a $ 3000 /month salary that’s $100 per day… but maybe you are comfortable with even $1000. Write that. Don’t put any figure that your mind will ridicule.

Now, use this money up on the same page. Below the figure, write what your mandatory expenses are. Groceries, utility payments and loans typically stand at the top of the list. By the time you finish expenses, be sure you end on a zero balance.

Next day, again put a figure on top of page 2. This figure must be equal to or greater than the previous day’s. Again, apportion expenses. Look at the longer term expenses now… like the house loan… pay off more than just a month’s installment. Next, look at non-mandatory expenses you’ve been budgeting for… the diamond solitaire for instance… and end the page on zero balance.

On the third day, again put a figure on top of page 3. Obviously this figure must be equal to or greater than the previous day’s. Again, apportion expenses. Do this till you can’t think of any other thing you need to spend money on… except luxuries. In case you finish expenses, tithe a little (give to charity). The tithing amount should be no greater than 10%. Over? Spend some on luxuries till you are at a zero balance.

Next day, again put a figure equal to or greater than the previous day’s on top of page 4. Give yourself a bigger hike. Continue with immediate expenses first, long-term next, non-mandatory after that, a little tithing, a little luxury. Chances are you will get to this point after many more days than 4, but for sake of this example let’s imagine you’re done now and still have money left over. Now start investing the remainder. Invest in assets. Check prices of gold, property, mutual funds… see how much the remainder of your money can buy.

Remember Robert Kiyosaki ’s sound anti-depression advice, “the rich put money into assets, not expenses”. So continue doing this. Be sure to have a big smile on your face everyday as you start writing into your notebook.

Also make sure you have no money left over. Put a bit aside for necessities everyday. Pay off all your debts. Enjoy all the luxuries you can imagine and gift and tithe and invest alongside (in that order).

Play this game sincerely till you reach page 60 and watch what it does to your mind. I guarantee you will be on your way to being abundantly, happily rich! And this might be the time to start taking your sponsor and your online / network marketing business really seriously… because unlike every offline business, the online / networking money vehicle operates with absolutely no limits – except your mind!


The question on outsourcing - yes or no

The outsourcing question – yes or no?

Outsourcing is one of those “ugly” words that seem to frighten many small business owners. Often they fear that if they don’t perform a certain tasks themselves that task won’t be executed properly or because the have limited funds, are convinced that they cannot afford to outsource. Yet, each one of them are usually plagued with trying to get too much done at once, not focusing on activities that produce revenue or activities that systematize their business resulting in their business being stalled while they deal with the chaos they created.

Outsourcing is a good thing and when used correctly, will yield tremendous value in both the short term and long term. Here are 5 tips to effective outsourcing.

1. Know what to outsource and what not.

Take a look at what your strengths are and where you can add the most value to your business and look to outsource in areas where you know you are weak. Although it may cost you more in the beginning, the truth is if you do not have the time or expertise in that subject matter your learning curve will be long and add to your frustration and overall expense, for example: Bookkeeping, marketing, writing, product development and other tasks that require specialization. Other tasks to look at are those that are “robotic” or so simple anyone can do it, for example, link building, article and press release submission, proofreading, appointment setting.

2. Select the right outsource partner.

Make sure you do the due diligence to select the right partner. Spend the time discussing how you like to work, what you expect and how you like to be communicated with. You are in charge and need to set the tone for how you need to give and receive information. You want to ensure that you have a rapport with your partners so have a real conversation, not one from behind a computer and lastly, check references to get the observations of others.

3. Give clear direction and set clear expectations.

Be clear and specific in your communications to your outsource partner. Do not assume they know what you mean, or are coming from the same point of reference. Also, don’t use “company jargon” or assume everyone has the same definition of terms. As with any business meeting, ensure that you have a meeting of the minds on what exactly you are looking for and what they understand the deliverable to be. In time, you and your partner will begin to work in lock and step together, but set the stage up front.

4. Systematize and automate when possible.

Small businesses often fail to record and systematize all of their processes. They fall into the manual trap of remembering to get things done or “it is on my to-do list” when it comes to certain critical tasks of the business. Be sure to create structured processes that can be systematize and automated wherever it makes sense. You want your business to grow beyond you and in order to do that, you have to put a formal structure in place so others can easily follow.

5. Inspect what you expect.

You are still in charge of the process so you want to “inspect what you expect’ from your outsource partners similar to if they were employees on your team. Do not assume that everything is going along with no issues; make sure you put in the controls to test your systems periodically. Check for quality, pricing, turnaround time, efficiencies. Are your partners continually adding value and looking for ways to improve your business? If the answer is no, then find a new outsourcing partner.

To make the outsourcing question clearer to you, visit the frequently asked questions page on

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kip Herriage on money wealth freedom

Kip Herriage on money wealth freedom

Next he says taxes will go up and if you want to minimize your tax liability lawfully you must empower yourself with the strategies of the top 1% of the elite. That way there is no jeopardy while getting in control of ones financial plan with a wealth accelerator program (WAP).

The WAP further teaches how to protect assets, restore credit rating and make for personal growth. As a holistic package it it also covers concepts behind masterminding mindset and having great health. This is thus a 4-tier product platform for serious entrepreneurs… creating wealth and success in others.

The program will mold your concepts of money and wealth, demonstrating how to give back and be part of dynamic wealth creation driven by one’s personal vision.

Speaking on the importance of personal vision Kip relates the observation of the man in the boat. “When you cross a river you have to remember to step out of the boat. Likewise, you can’t expect what served you in the past to do for the future. Your personal vision shapes your future… so be living in that rather than in events that got you till where you are”, he says.

To meet one of the beneficiaries of Kip’s incredible tips on money wealth freedom, drop in your details here.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Outsourcing bookkeeping

Outsourcing bookkeeping

Bookkeeping outsourcing for your business may at first seem awkward. Handing over your financial data to outside sources is quite uncomfortable knowing that this information is essential to your business. But looking at the brighter side, these service providers are actually helping out your business. How? Bookkeeping outsourcing trims down your real-time costs by almost 50% from the cost of employing an in-house bookkeeper.

Why Choose to Outsource Bookkeeping?

The reason you chose to have a business is definitely not to consume your time doing the bookkeeping functions. But without it, you are at a loss. You cannot run your business efficiently and effectively. By outsourcing bookkeeping, you free yourself from this task and you divert your attention to managing your business. You cut overhead costs by as much as 50%.

Bookkeeping outsourcing, likewise, ensures that financial reports are accurate so that top decision makers are not misled into making the wrong decisions and put your business at stake. Bookkeepers are highly trained and supervised and are backed with support systems and tools that make their work error-free.

How Is It Done?

There are two options available:

- Server Based Bookkeeping Outsourcing. You just send your financial source documents. You may either fax them or upload them to the server. The service provider then updates your book of accounts, you choose which software to use, whether it is QuickBooks, Quicken, Peachtree, Creative Solutions, or MyOB. You get the updated books which is stored in a 128-bit encrypted server which you may download.

- Remote Desktop Based Bookkeeping Outsourcing. This option follows similar steps. You first send through fax financial data or by uploading them to the outsourcing companies' server. Their bookkeeper would now connect to your computer through internet securely via a remote desktop access service such as Secure VPN or and voila you have an updated book of accounts the next day.

How Secure Would My Data Be with Bookkeeping Outsourcing?

If security of data is a top concern for most businesses, financial data is protected. They are transferred through the internet with the use of 128-bit encryption of Secured Socket layer and is then stored in a secure server. It cannot easily be accessed by anyone except the authorized bookkeeper in the bookkeeping outsourcing service provider and with the use of biometric scanners. Significant data security is therefore attained and breach of private information is taken care of.

The real purpose of bookkeeping outsourcing is only achieved when all the services required by the client are provided by the service provider. Some would only provide you with the basic bookkeeping functions, while others extend a little bit further by providing you more accounting services to the extent of preparing financial reports for further decision-making. This allows you to control your business by being able to come up with a considerable decision. Bookkeeping outsourcing is definitely a good choice to make.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How to find profitable keywords

When we talk about profitable keywords, we’re talking about whether the keyword has a history of generating sales based on the keywords past performance. The thing about keywords is that some may have a high search volume, but have a poor history of profitability; this would make those keywords useless as far as selling something is concerned. But keywords that are not so profitable may have some value in generating leads for your mailing list. These lists could possibly lead to sales over time from your subscriber base.

So when we look at all the criteria that our keywords need to meet, we start to see that it is not always going to be easy to find profitable keywords. The big question is how we find these keywords. One thing that we can do to make our search for keywords a bit easier is to go for the low hanging fruit, as they say in the industry.

What I mean by this is we don’t concentrate on single keyword terms, but rather we look for keyword phrases. Getting back to the example of magic, instead of my keyword being “magician” it might be “magic tricks”, this is being a lot more definitive about what I am selling or promoting.

If I were to use the term “buy magic tricks” now by adding the word buy into this phrase, I will have a phrase with a higher commercial intention. The fact that the keywords definition is such a long search term, lowers the possibility of competition of this phrase.

Now to sum this up, when you use a phrase like “buy magic tricks” this is often referred to as a (longtail) keyword phrase. These longtail have some distinctive characteristics. The longer your keyword phrase means a sharp drop in competition, but greater profitability for the keyword. The only bad thing about longtail terms is they always have lower search volume.

How to create wealth without risk

How does an average person create wealth without risk?

The answer in 2 words? Network Marketing. For a longer answer, watch these videos…

Now, if you chose Pablo as the one you would like to be, you are choosing the B-quadrant. Kiyosaki uses exactly the same example in his book Cashflow Quadrant .

If you chose Bruno, you are consciously limiting your potential… and there’s nothing wrong with that because 90%+ of the world’s people do that. That’s also why 90%+ are not abundant. So who is to take the call? YOU!

Tuning into abundance calls for taking a few conscious decisions to do things others may not do… to have what others will not have.

Next, let’s look at how money flows in the economy. A snappy 8-minute film on this page

Now, if you chose the direct-to-consumer model, here’s the genius of opportunity. Even though you can not become a manufacturer or wholesaler or retailer alongside doing whatever you are doing, you can still benefit from the new economy just by being a consumer. And benefit hugely more by learning the B-quadrant principles that help you build pipelines of consumers. And as long as products are consumed, money will flow, through an asset that YOU create with just a different quadrant of knowledge!

This friends, in a nutshell, is all network marketing is about. A common-sense, risk-free approach to life. Now that you understand what network marketing is about, chances are you’d like to create wealth by ‘learning the science’ rather than trial and error. Drop me a line to

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

At career crossroads? Kiyosaki can help

Is your career at the crossroads?

At this stage, how does one make the right choices? I quote 2 famous people here:

1. The definition of insanity is, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (Albert Einstein)

2. Formal education will only earn you a living but self-education will earn you a fortune (Jim Rohn)

Why are these 2 quotes relevant here? Because they will help you think about the possibilities you probably never knew existed.

Here is the first thing to appreciate about possibilities. Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow Quadrant. He says there are 4 ways to live life. In the E-quadrant as an Employee who has a job. Or in the S-quadrant as self-employed who has a business which requires his/her personal presence. These are the left quadrants in which we exchange our time for money. We work for someone else’s system.

Then we have the right quadrants. The B-quadrant where business owners own a system. And the I-quadrant where the people own lots of money. In the right quadrants the system / money works for us. Please clearly understand these 4 distinctions before you read on…

For example, McDonald’s is a system (B-quadrant) to make burgers and it sells more burgers in one city than all the hamburger stands (S-quadrant) put together all over the world. The system works for the McDonald’s owner and his income is ‘passive’ (does not stop even when he’s away). Contrast this with the burger stand owner who works 15 hours a day sometimes and his income ‘active’ (when he stops, income stops).

Now the question is, why are most people (90%+) in the left quadrants? And why is most of the world’s wealth (90%+) controlled by the right quadrants? The answer is EDUCATION. Most of us do not get educated by (and stay in an environment of) B-quadrant people.

Why? Because we just don’t know that we can. We think we must earn and live our lives based on the education we have. The right quadrants are too much risk, we think. This is – in fact – not true. On the contrary, since there are fewer people – and an abundance of wealth – on the right side, many people on the right are very willing to mentor people who choose to switch.

The starting point of the switch is a deep desire to achieve something. A dream. All B-quadrant people are dreamers. Bill Gates, Laxmi Mittal, Mukesh Ambani, Thomas Edison, Akio Morita… there are many examples. Step two is networking. All right-quadrant people are networked. Robert Kiyosaki says, “poor people work; rich people network.” Just like we earn to work, we need to learn to network.

The quality of unlimited dreaming is often lost when we get out of college. We are taught by our left-quadrant mentors that we must dream only as much as we can achieve. We must compete for growth. Interestingly, these are completely baseless ideas for people in the B-quadrant. We compete only because there is less money and more people on the left. On the right we associate with the right people, learn and grow. Many of the people mentioned in the previous para do not even have college degrees!

On the left we have got the knowledge the limits our potential and prevents our abundance. And the secret to freedom is to break out of that mindset. The good news is this mindset can change in the company of B-quadrant people. And we can enjoy their company even while at our jobs or businessesif we prioritize the time for it .

There must be a desire to meet and learn from them. To do something over and above our left-quadrant lives. Because the definition of insanity is, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. And if some personal growth must be attained, formal education will only earn you a living but self-education will earn you a fortune. The fortune is in the right-quadrants. Yours to tap into risk-free… when you’re prepared to learn!


What will YOU do if 90% of the world’s wealth is available to you?

Are you prepared to OWN and follow a system to start on this path?

Email me your answers to follow a proven path.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Advantages of outsourcing bookkeeping and accounting data entry

Advantages of outsourcing bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is a significant for every business for the reason that if you want all the financial transaction records so bookkeeping is most helpful to keeping all the financial transaction records. Every transaction includes sales, purchases, income and also payments by an individual or business.

Nowadays most of people prefer outsourcing bookkeeping service because its beneficial to all small as well as large sized business. The most ordinary reasons companies prefer to outsource business processes are to reduce operating costs, develop company focus and boost flexibility to respond to business necessities. Through outsourcing service, your company could focus on core business, reduce operating costs and increase productivity.

The nearly all successful businesses of today have disappeared to outsourcing and now have time and money to expend on differentiated them in the marketplace. If you are looking for ways to reduce operating cost and focus on your core business, now is the accurate make the switch to outsourced bookkeeping.

Outsourcing bookkeeping service facilitate companies manage their work well. As the total cost for organization the bookkeeping work by outsourcing firm is far smaller than hiring in-house staff, approximately every company is making bookkeeping outsourcing a measurement of its long-term sustainable business model.

Outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping service work-force comprise of an accounting or bookkeeping specialist and a customer support contact who are trained and experienced at providing managed accounting services.

The most prevalent reasons management chooses to outsource bookkeeping service are to reduce operating costs, improve business focus, improve quality and increase capabilities not otherwise available and to reduce cycle time.

By Outsourcing bookkeeping your company could:

o Focus on core business. Off-load non-core functions.
o Get skilled staff at affordable fees.
o Increase client satisfaction. Improve speed and service.
o Get access to world-class technology at lower rates.
o Develop your business. Beat Competition.

So, go ahead and get maximum benefits with an outsourcing bookkeeping service.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Outsourcing accounting data entry for SMEs

Outsourcimg accounting

Have you ever seen a business running without an accounting system? I bet there is none otherwise the business is doomed to fail. Every business from small home based venture to major corporations has accounting needs because it is the barometer of every business. It tells you whether your business is gaining substantial profits or losing revenues. Such important function in the business must not be taken for granted.

Unfortunately, not all business owners have the skill and expertise to carry out accounting functions in their own companies. Also, the resources to fulfill these functions are very limited in small to mid-scale businesses unlike in multibillion corporations. Oftentimes the owners run the business operation while trying to meet its accounting needs. It is not quite a smart choice because you fail to solely focus on the critical needs of the company, an essential step to sustain your business. More so, not all businessmen are good accountants.

This is the reason that outsourcing your accounting needs is highly recommended. The advent of outsourcing the accounting services such as bookkeeping to third party surges in the recent years because of the unbeatable benefits it offers to you and your company.

Outsourcing your accounting needs allows you to save up to 40% from your payroll and employee related expenses. In a typical business structure you require the basics such as desk, office chair, stationery supplies and computer for your staff. Also, onsite employees entail a portion of your expenditure to be allocated for employee benefits such as health insurance, social security system and so on.

There are potential expenses too for employee trainings and sometimes the needed upgrade of technologies. However these additional operating costs can be waived because the trainings and technology upgrades are no longer necessary for outsourced accounting services.

On circumstances that you have multiple business locations, the accounting needs can be centralized. There is no need of allocating accounting employees for each location because the accounting functions for all the branches can now be operated in one location. This significantly saves your overheads.

All these costs which will be incurred in hiring onsite employees can be converted into savings if you outsource the accounting needs of your company to the third parties. The amount you save can be used somewhere else to generate more income.

Another benefit of outsourcing your accounting needs is the access to experts. The finance department of multibillion corporations is packed with experts and knowledgeable employees, and each of them carries specific duty. It means that the company has bookkeeper, accountant, controller, payroll master and so forth. Unfortunately for small scale and mid-size companies, these services and costs post a challenge to your limited resources but this can be resolved by outsourcing these functions at reasonable costs. In return, you will have access to experts and to offsite employees which have same expertise as the accounting employees in big companies.

These are the unbeatable benefits of outsourcing your accounting needs to third parties. As business owners, your time is precious and it must be used to focus more on the core duties and critical needs of the company. Dole out these important accounting functions to the experts so you can focus to the operation and growth of your business.

One such expert for <a href="">outsourcing accounting</a> is found at Hired Brains. Visit <a href=""></a> for answers to all your questions on the subject.



Sunday, February 14, 2010

New lead system pro (MLSP) launched

The new lead system pro

A couple of my friends and their partner raked in their first million ... and then their second ... last year. And what they did is captured in the new mlmleadsystempro.

First, it combines techniques for online and offline lead generation . Every leader contributing to conquer the internet is an ace internet marketer. And their foremost commitment is to help more marketers use the internet to succeed. Because today, and more so in the future, the speed  of the internet is incomparable for building business.

Second, the techniques can be applied to any business. It is like a battery that can be fitted in any toy. Yes, batteries cost money, but what good are toys without them? This analogy might be a little far-fetched, but it will help you remember. Batteries have no competition with toys. Toys generate excitement. Batteries keep them running. Period.

Third, the new mlmleadsystempro uses attraction marketing principles . Why? Because, when you use the internet, your potential "list" is "huge". And from this huge list, professional business people "attract" the best people to them. What does this mean? This means no more cold-calling, prospecting, chasing friends and family, nudging strangers in malls and all those disgusting things! How? That's point four.

Fourth, the system teaches how to brand You . Whatever your business, you would have heard "people join you, not your business", right? So why do you pitch your business? Through a customized, branded website with Your videos on Your automatic list-builders on it, You develop Your business; Your list; Your assets; Your reputation; and Your clientele. And you can take them wherever you wish to... all through your life!

Fifth, it will help you build multiple streams of income . This means you need not depend on your business checks alone. You can pick up monies from over 15 different product lines which are integrated as affiliates of the system. So the process is simplified. All you do is promote Your branded site. This site brings you leads because it is non-threatening to any other business. And the affiliate products ... which offer tremendous value and provide the tools and techniques for internet marketing ... bring in steady income.

So how about picking up your copy of the <a href="">new mlm lead system pro</a> now? Visit <a href=""></a>

Conquer the Internet review: learn internet marketing on DVD

Conquer the Internet review

A couple of my friends and their partner raked in their first million ... and then their second ... last year. And what they did is captured in "Conquer the Internet"

First, it combines techniques for online and offline lead generation . Every leader contributing to conquer the internet is an ace internet marketer. And their foremost commitment is to help more marketers use the internet to succeed. Because today, and more so in the future, the speed  of the internet is incomparable for building business.

Second, the techniques can be applied to any business. It is like a battery that can be fitted in any toy. Yes, batteries cost money, but what good are toys without them? This analogy might be a little far-fetched, but it will help you remember. Batteries have no competition with toys. Toys generate excitement. Batteries keep them running. Period.

Third, conquer the internet uses attraction marketing principles . Why? Because, when you use the internet, your potential "list" is "huge". And from this huge list, professional business people "attract" the best people to them. What does this mean? This means no more cold-calling, prospecting, chasing friends and family, nudging strangers in malls and all those disgusting things! How? That's point four.

Fourth, the dvd teaches how to brand You . Whatever your business, you would have heard "people join you, not your business", right? So why do you pitch your business? Through a customized, branded website with Your videos on Your automatic list-builders on it, You develop Your business; Your list; Your assets; Your reputation; and Your clientele. And you can take them wherever you wish to... all through your life!

Fifth, it gives you one month of free access to a system that will help you build multiple streams of income . This means you need not depend on your business checks alone. You can pick up monies from over 15 different product lines which are integrated as affiliates of the system. So the process is simplified. All you do is promote Your branded site. This site brings you leads because it is non-threatening to any other business. And the affiliate products ... which offer tremendous value and provide the tools and techniques for internet marketing ... bring in steady income.

So how about picking up your copy of "conquer the internet" now?

Friday, February 12, 2010

What would you do if you knew how to earn two million dollars

Now I wonder if you answered the same question the same way. It doesn’t matter. What matters is getting to the meat and potatoes and picking up what’s on offer.

Let me disclaim here, before you go … By visiting the page on this link you will be exposing yourself to the exact strategies used by Norbert, Brian and Todd and if you could implement them with the same mindset, skillset and tools they used, you could be a millionaire in 2010 yourself. Is it easy? Obviously not. Is it possible? Definitely.

Watch the video Now!

PS: Oh yes, and just so you know, this is not a free DVD that ‘entices’ you into anything else. This is USD  29.97 but it does get you one month of free training and usage of the most comprehensive Internet Marketing Training system that you can use to build any business on the planet… and that month is worth USD 47!